Hard Floor Care

Do Commercial Floor Finishes Contain Preservatives?

Preservatives in Commercial Floor Finishes

Commercial floor finishes often incorporate preservatives to address potential bacterial contamination.

Here’s a more in-depth explanation:

  1. Preservation Purpose:
  • Microbial Contamination: Floor finishes are vulnerable to microbial deterioration, especially when exposed to air and external contaminants.
  • Antimicrobial Agents: High-quality floor finishes typically include small amounts of antimicrobial agents, which act as preservatives. These agents help prevent the growth of microorganisms that could compromise the integrity and quality of the finish.
  1. Functionality of Preservatives:
  • Protection in Storage: Preservatives in floor finishes primarily serve to protect the product while it is in an unopened container. This ensures that the finish maintains its quality and effectiveness during storage.
  • Limitations After Use: It’s crucial to note that the preservatives lose their substantial protective effect after the floor finish has been applied. Once used, the finish becomes more susceptible to contamination and should not be reintroduced into a container of unused finish.
  1. Handling Used Floor Finish:
  • Preventing Contamination: To maintain the efficacy of the preservatives, it is essential never to pour used floor finish back into a container of unused finish. This practice helps prevent the introduction of contaminants and preserves the quality of the unused product.

Key Consideration:

  • Proper Disposal: Given that used floor finish is more vulnerable to contamination, proper disposal methods should be followed. Avoiding the mixing of used and unused finish is a good practice to ensure the longevity and performance of commercial floor finishes.


Understanding the role of preservatives in floor finishes emphasizes the importance of handling and disposing of these products in a manner that preserves their integrity and effectiveness.

Minnesota Specialty Commercial Cleaning Services


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