Hard Floor Care

How Do Strip and Wax Procedures Differ From Scrub and Re-Coats?

Understanding the Distinctions Between Strip and Wax vs. Scrub and Re-Coat Procedures

Floor maintenance involves various processes, each tailored to address specific needs.

Detailed breakdown of the differences between Strip and Wax procedures and Scrub and Re-Coats procedures

Stripping and Waxing Process


This process is employed when floors either require a fresh start (e.g., new floor installation) or when existing finish needs complete removal. The stripping involves the use of specialized stripping agents to break down and remove old finish layers.


Following the stripping process, the floor needs to be neutralized to balance pH levels and remove any residual stripping agents.


After neutralization, a sealer is applied to prepare the floor for subsequent layers of finish. Sealing is an additional step unique to the stripping process.


Once the floor is stripped, neutralized, and sealed, multiple layers of floor finish (wax) are applied to achieve the desired protective coating.

Scrubbing and Re-Coating Process


In this process, the focus is on deep cleaning the existing floor finish without complete removal. A scrubbing solution is used to break down soils and contaminants.

No Neutralization or Sealing

Unlike stripping, there is no need for neutralization or sealing after scrubbing. The goal is to enhance the cleanliness of the existing finish without starting from scratch.


After the scrubbing process, one or more coats of floor finish are applied directly over the existing finish. This builds up the protective layer without the need for neutralization and sealing steps.

Key Differences

Labor Intensity

Strip and Wax procedures involve additional labor-intensive steps, including neutralization and sealing, making them more time-consuming compared to Scrub and Re-Coat.

Starting Point

Stripping begins with a completely bare floor (zero coats), while scrubbing works with existing finish, allowing for a more efficient build of additional coats.

Product Requirements

Strip and Wax jobs necessitate extra products for stripping, neutralization, and sealing, contributing to higher material costs.


Understanding the distinctions between Strip and Wax and Scrub and Re-Coat procedures is essential for efficient and cost-effective floor maintenance. The choice between the two methods depends on the condition of the floor and the desired outcome. While Stripping and Waxing provides a fresh start, Scrubbing and Re-Coating offers a streamlined approach to enhance existing finish.

Contact Us for personalized guidance on choosing the right floor maintenance approach for your specific requirements.

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