Hard Floor Care

Should Commercial Vinyl Tile Flooring Be Sealed and Finished?

Yes! Commercial vinyl tile flooring should be sealed and finished for several reasons. Commercial vinyl flooring material is typically composed of a mixture of various vinyl compounds, including Vinyl Chloride and Vinyl Acetate, along with ingredients like asbestos, ground limestone, plasticizers, and colorants. This mixture undergoes a heating process and is then rolled into the final product.

Commercial vinyl flooring, being porous in nature, benefits significantly from the sealing and finishing process. The key reasons for sealing and finishing include:

  1. Stain Prevention: Sealing the porous surface helps prevent the penetration of stains. This is particularly crucial for vinyl asbestos tiles, which are susceptible to staining.
  2. Enhanced Durability: The application of a quality finish provides a protective layer on the surface, enhancing the overall durability of the flooring. It helps resist wear and tear caused by foot traffic and other daily activities.
  3. Ease of Maintenance: Sealed and finished vinyl flooring is generally easier to clean and maintain. The protective layer makes it more resistant to dirt, spills, and scuff marks.
  4. Aesthetic Appeal: Finishing contributes to the visual appeal of the flooring. It can add a subtle sheen or gloss, enhancing the overall aesthetics of the space.
  5. Safety: Some finishes offer additional benefits such as slip resistance, contributing to the safety of the commercial environment.

In summary, sealing and finishing commercial vinyl tile flooring are essential steps in ensuring its longevity, maintaining a clean and attractive appearance, and addressing safety considerations in commercial spaces.

Minnesota Specialty Commercial Cleaning Services


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