General Cleaning, Hard Floor Care

What Causes Discoloration Under Floor Mats?

Understanding Discoloration Under Floor Mats: Plasticizer Migration

Discoloration beneath floor mats can be attributed to a phenomenon known as Plasticizer Migration.

Plasticizer Migration:


Plasticizers are substances added to materials, like vinyl or synthetic-backed floor mats, to increase flexibility and durability. Migration occurs when these plasticizers leach out and transfer to the floor finish or sealer on the underlying flooring material.


The migration of plasticizers is typically triggered by prolonged contact between the mat and the flooring, especially in the presence of moisture. Moist conditions facilitate the movement of plasticizers from the mat to the floor finish.

Moisture Acceleration

Role of Moisture

Moisture acts as a catalyst, accelerating the plasticizer migration process. When the underside of the floor mat retains moisture, it enhances the mobility of plasticizers, leading to a more pronounced transfer onto the flooring.

Preventing Discoloration Under Floor Mats:

Use Compatible Mats

Choose floor mats that are compatible with the flooring material. Mats designed for specific flooring types can help minimize the risk of plasticizer migration.

Ensure Adequate Ventilation

Promote proper air circulation and ventilation to reduce the impact of moisture. Adequate ventilation helps prevent the accumulation of moisture between the mat and the flooring.

Addressing Discoloration Issues

Regular Inspection

Periodically inspect the flooring beneath mats for any signs of discoloration. Early detection allows for timely intervention and mitigation measures.

Proper Cleaning

Follow recommended cleaning procedures for both the floor mats and the underlying flooring. Use cleaning agents compatible with the flooring material.


If discoloration persists or if you have specific concerns about plasticizer migration, Contact Us for personalized guidance tailored to your flooring situation. Our experts can provide insights and solutions to address and prevent discoloration issues effectively.

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