Hard Floor Care

What is a Factory Floor Finish?

Understanding Factory Floor Finish

Definition of Factory Floor Finish

Temporary Protective Finish

A Factory Floor Finish, also known as a Mill Finish, refers to a temporary protective coating applied to a floor covering by the manufacturer. This finish serves as a safeguard during various stages, including manufacturing, shipping, and installation of the flooring.

Characteristics and Purpose

Temporary Nature

The Factory Finish is not intended as a permanent coating but rather as a short-term measure to shield the floor covering from potential damage and wear during the initial phases of its journey from manufacturing to installation.

Protection During Processes

It provides protection against potential scratches, scuffs, and other forms of damage that the floor covering may encounter during manufacturing processes, transportation, handling, and installation.

Removal Requirement

Pre-Application Step

Before applying any subsequent floor finishes or treatments, it is essential to remove the Factory Finish. This ensures proper adhesion and compatibility with the desired floor finish, allowing for optimal performance and appearance.

Surface Preparation

Removing the factory finish typically involves cleaning and preparing the floor surface. This step may include processes such as cleaning, stripping, or other methods depending on the specific type of factory finish applied.

Common Terminology - Factory Finish vs. Mill Finish

Interchangeable Terms

The terms “Factory Finish” and “Mill Finish” are often used interchangeably to describe this initial protective coating applied by the manufacturer.

Origin of “Mill Finish”

The term “Mill Finish” may derive from the fact that this coating is often applied at the mill or manufacturing facility where the flooring is produced.

Application Areas

Wide Range of Flooring Types

Factory Finishes are commonly applied to various types of flooring materials, including hardwood, engineered wood, laminate, and other floor coverings. Different materials may have specific factory finishes tailored to their characteristics.

Flooring Categories

Whether it’s hardwood planks, laminate boards, or other types of flooring, manufacturers apply these temporary finishes to protect the product’s integrity during handling and installation.

Importance in Flooring Industry

Preserving Aesthetics

The Factory Finish plays a crucial role in preserving the aesthetics of the flooring product until it reaches its final destination. This is particularly important for materials with delicate surfaces that could be susceptible to damage.

Quality Assurance

It reflects a commitment to quality assurance and customer satisfaction by ensuring that the flooring arrives in optimal condition and free from damage caused by external factors.

Considerations for Removal

Manufacturer Guidelines

Following the manufacturer’s guidelines for removing the Factory Finish is essential. Different flooring materials may require specific procedures, cleaning agents, or tools for effective removal.

Surface Compatibility

Care should be taken to use removal methods that are compatible with the flooring material to avoid unintentional damage or alteration.

Surface Preparation for Subsequent Treatments

Ensuring Adhesion

Removing the Factory Finish is a critical step in surface preparation before applying subsequent floor finishes, stains, or sealers. It ensures proper adhesion and enhances the performance of the chosen finishing product.

Compatibility with Floor Treatments

The removal process should leave the floor surface in a condition that is compatible with the intended floor treatment, allowing for optimal results in terms of appearance and durability.

User Responsibility and Flooring Maintenance

Consumer Role

While the manufacturer provides the initial protective coating, consumers and installers bear the responsibility of removing the Factory Finish as part of the flooring installation process.

Importance of Removal

Neglecting to remove the Factory Finish may hinder the effectiveness of subsequently applied floor finishes and compromise the overall performance of the flooring.


A Factory Floor Finish, or Mill Finish, serves as a temporary protective coating applied by flooring manufacturers to safeguard the product during various stages, from production to installation. This initial finish must be removed before applying additional floor treatments, ensuring proper adhesion and compatibility. The removal process involves following manufacturer guidelines and considering the specific characteristics of the flooring material. This practice reflects a commitment to preserving the aesthetics and quality of the flooring product, contributing to customer satisfaction and successful flooring installations.

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