General Cleaning

What is HACCP?

Additional Details on HACCP

Introduction to HACCP

Risk Mitigation

Emphasize that HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points, representing a systematic approach to identifying, evaluating, and controlling potential hazards in food processing areas. The goal is to ensure the safety and quality of food products.

Regulatory Mandate

Highlight that the U.S. Department of Agriculture mandates the implementation of HACCP programs in all food processing plants. This regulation is a proactive measure to prevent foodborne illnesses.

Color-Coded Brush System

Cross-Contamination Prevention

Elaborate on the use of color-coded brush systems as a key component of HACCP. This system is designed to prevent cross-contamination by assigning specific colors to brushes used for different tasks, ensuring tools are not shared between incompatible food items.


Provide examples of how cross-contamination can occur, such as using the same brush for raw and cooked meat. Stress the importance of maintaining hygiene and preventing microbial transfer.

Scope of HACCP Mandate


Clarify that, at present, grocery stores, delis, and restaurants are excluded from the HACCP mandate. However, underscore the relevance of implementing HACCP practices across all food handling establishments to enhance overall food safety.

Prevalence of Food Poisoning

Highlight the staggering statistic of over 80 million cases of food poisoning annually in the U.S., emphasizing the need for a comprehensive approach to food safety.

Facilitation of HACCP Program

Product Variety

Specify that products are available in six colors—yellow, green, blue, red, white, and brown—providing flexibility for establishments to design a customized brush program based on their operations.

Easy Implementation

Emphasize that the provision of diverse colors simplifies the setup of a successful HACCP program, making it accessible and adaptable to the unique needs of each facility.

Seven Basic Principles of HACCP

Conduct a Hazard Analysis

Explain the initial step of identifying potential hazards in the food production process.

Determine the Critical Control Points (CCP’s)

Outline the identification of critical points in the process where control measures are crucial.

Establish Critical Limits

Define the acceptable limits for each critical control point.

Devise a System to Monitor Control of CCP’s

Stress the importance of continuous monitoring to ensure control measures are effective.

Take Corrective Action for Out-of-Control CCP’s

Highlight the need for immediate corrective action if a critical control point deviates from the established limits.

Verify the System

Emphasize the ongoing verification process to ensure the effectiveness of the HACCP system.

Establish Documentation

Stress the significance of maintaining thorough documentation as evidence of adherence to HACCP principles.


Overall Importance

Conclude by underscoring the overall importance of HACCP in safeguarding food quality, reducing health risks, and contributing to the overall well-being of consumers.

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