Hard Floor Care, Sports Floor Care

What is Meant by the Term "Bite-In"?

Bite-In is a specialized term used to characterize the phenomenon of whitening or dulling that may occur on floors during the application of floor finishes. This issue is more likely to manifest when re-application is performed too swiftly or when an excessive amount of product is used, particularly in self-sensitive (alkali-soluble) systems.

Causes of Bite-In

The primary contributors to bite-in are the re-application of floor finish coats too rapidly and the application of an excessive quantity of product. These factors, when coupled with self-sensitive systems, can lead to the manifestation of whitening or dulling on the floor surface.

Self-Sensitive Systems

Bite-in is particularly associated with self-sensitive floor finish systems, which are formulations that may react adversely to certain conditions. Typically, these are alkali-soluble finishes that are sensitive to the alkaline nature of the substrate or the previously applied coats.

Detection through Increased Drag

One way to detect bite-in is by observing increased drag during the application of multiple coats of floor finish. The drag is a resistance encountered during the application process, and an uptick in this resistance can be an early indicator of potential issues related to bite-in.

Relation to Re-emulsification

Bite-in is closely related to the concept of re-emulsification. Re-emulsification occurs when the freshly applied floor finish interacts with the existing layers, leading to adverse effects like whitening. Monitoring for signs of re-emulsification is crucial in preventing or addressing bite-in during the application process.

Preventive Measures

To mitigate the risk of bite-in, it is essential to follow manufacturer recommendations regarding application intervals and product quantities. Allowing sufficient drying time between coats and avoiding the over-application of floor finish can contribute to a smoother and more aesthetically pleasing finish.


Understanding the intricacies of bite-in is vital for floor care professionals, as it allows them to identify potential issues during the application process and take corrective actions promptly. By addressing the causes of bite-in and adopting preventive measures, professionals can ensure the successful application of floor finishes without compromising the visual appeal and quality of the finished surface.

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