Hard Floor Care

Why do some floors turn yellow?

The yellowing of floors can result from various factors, including the interaction of specific ingredients, exposure to heat and light, and the inherent characteristics of certain polymers. Here’s a more detailed explanation

Ingredient Interaction

Example Scenario

The yellowing may occur when certain materials come into contact, such as a vinyl or rubber-backed floor mat placed directly on the floor.

Chemical Reactions

Interaction between the floor finish and other substances on the floor can lead to discoloration.

Exposure to Heat and Light

Polymer Sensitivity

Some ingredients in floor finishes, particularly highly styrenated acrylic polymers, certain polyethylene waxes, and aromatic (cyclic) polyurethanes, are more prone to darkening when exposed to heat and light.


Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light can trigger photodegradation of certain components, resulting in discoloration.

Specific Ingredient Characteristics

Styrenated Acrylic Polymers

High styrene content in acrylic polymers is associated with yellowing. Opting for floor finishes with low styrene content can help mitigate this issue.

Polyethylene Waxes

Certain varieties of polyethylene waxes can contribute to yellowing. Choosing non-yellowing polyethylene waxes is essential for maintaining the floor’s color integrity.


The use of aromatic (cyclic) polyurethanes can lead to yellowing. Aliphatic (non-cyclic) polyurethanes are preferred in high-quality floor finishes to resist discoloration.

Quality Floor Finish Attributes

Low Styrene Content

High-quality floor finishes prioritize low styrene content in acrylic polymers to reduce the likelihood of yellowing.

Non-Yellowing Polyethylene Waxes

The inclusion of non-yellowing polyethylene waxes helps maintain the floor finish’s color stability.

Aliphatic Polyurethanes

To resist yellowing, top-notch floor finishes use aliphatic polyurethanes, which are more resistant to discoloration caused by UV exposure.


Understanding the causes of floor yellowing and selecting floor finishes with specific ingredient characteristics can contribute to the prevention of discoloration. Quality floor finishes are formulated to resist yellowing, ensuring a longer-lasting and aesthetically pleasing appearance. Regular maintenance practices and avoiding incompatible materials can also help preserve the color integrity of floors.

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