Hard Floor Care, Sports Floor Care

Why is Continuous Film Formation Good for Some Floors and Bad on Others?

Continuous film formation in floor finishes can have varying effects on different types of floors due to their composition and characteristics. Let’s elaborate on why continuous film formation is considered good for some floors and bad for others

Benefits of Continuous Film Formation

Prevention of Cracks and Openings

A continuous film formation on the floor finish is beneficial for preventing cracks or openings in the coating. This helps to maintain the integrity of the floor finish by creating a seamless protective layer.

Ideal for Hard Floors

Protection for Hard Floors

Continuous film formation is considered ideal for most hard floors, such as tile, concrete, and resilient flooring. It acts as a barrier that shields the floor surface from potential damage caused by water, detergent, and daily wear and tear.

Issues with Continuous Film on Hardwood Floors

Panelization of Hardwood Floors

While continuous film formation is generally advantageous for hard floors, it may pose challenges for hardwood floors. Hardwood has the tendency to expand and contract with changes in humidity and temperature. A rigid continuous film may restrict the natural movement of hardwood, leading to issues such as panelization (formation of gaps between hardwood panels).

Considerations for Hardwood Floors

Need for Flexibility

Hardwood floors require the ability to move slightly during seasonal or climate changes. The flexibility of the finish is crucial for accommodating the natural expansion and contraction of the wood without causing damage or gaps.

Balancing Protection and Flexibility

Choosing the Right Finish

When selecting a floor finish for hardwood floors, it’s essential to strike a balance between providing protection through film formation and allowing the necessary flexibility. Products designed for hardwood should consider the unique characteristics of wood and its response to environmental changes.

Maintenance Considerations

Regular Inspection and Maintenance

Regardless of the floor type, regular inspection and maintenance are crucial. This involves checking for signs of wear, cracks, or gaps in the finish and addressing them promptly to prolong the life of the floor.


In summary, continuous film formation is generally favorable for protecting hard floors from damage, but it requires careful consideration when applied to hardwood floors. The flexibility of the finish becomes a critical factor for hardwood, allowing it to adapt to the natural movements of the wood without compromising its structural integrity.

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