Hard Floor Care, Sports Floor Care

How are Strip and Wax Procedures Similar to Scrub and Re-Coats?

Understanding the Commonalities Between Strip and Wax Procedures and Scrub and Re-Coats

The Strip and Wax process shares fundamental similarities with Scrub and Re-Coat procedures, aligning in several key aspects:

  1. Floor Preparation:
  • Both processes involve meticulous preparation of the floor. Wet floor or caution signs are strategically placed to ensure safety during the operation.
  1. Cleaning Solution Preparation:
  • A crucial step common to both procedures is the preparation of a cleaning solution. In a mop bucket, a mixture of water and the appropriate scrubbing or stripping solution is created.
  1. Application and Agitation:
  • The floor undergoes a soaking phase, where the cleaning solution is applied generously. Subsequently, low-speed buffing, scrubbing, or stripping is employed to effectively address accumulated dirt, grime, or old finish.
  1. Solution Removal:
  • Following the agitation phase, the dirty solution is meticulously removed from the floor. This is typically done using a wet/dry vacuum, ensuring thorough extraction of contaminants.
  1. Mopping and Spot Checking:
  • A crucial step in both processes involves mopping the floor with clean water and a fresh mop head. Simultaneously, operators diligently inspect the floor for any spots or areas that might have been missed during the initial cleaning.
  1. Floor Finish Application (Re-Coating/Waxing):
  • While the specific outcome differs, both procedures may involve the application of a new floor finish. In Scrub and Re-Coat, it’s a fresh layer of finish, whereas, in Strip and Wax, it’s a comprehensive waxing process.
  1. Attention to Detail:
  • Both procedures demand a keen eye for detail, ensuring that the entire floor surface is addressed, and the desired outcome is achieved.

Conclusion: In essence, the similarities between Strip and Wax procedures and Scrub and Re-Coat operations highlight the shared foundational steps in floor maintenance. Whether addressing routine maintenance or a more intensive stripping and waxing process, attention to detail and methodical execution are critical for optimal results.

Minnesota Specialty Commercial Cleaning Services


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